The aim of the project is to accelerate the emergence of large-scale hydrogen production and transport from renewable power sources to large-scale adoption in different sectors and by a variety of end-users. HyChain-ESI delivers the tools and practices to design and develop new hydrogen based value chains and investigates how significant potential of this hydrogen value chain can enable transition to a clean, low carbon future energy system.
Hydrogen plays an important role in the future renewable energy systems. In a large scale sustainable energy system green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis of water, is a crucial element. The HyChain project is focused on a strategic understanding of the drivers behind global emergence of future renewable hydrogen value chains.
The HyChain project looks at the development of future renewable hydrogen value chains with the Netherlands as a focal point. Industry, consultants and knowledge institutes work together to clarify what is needed to build energy chains based on large-scale affordable production of green hydrogen. Source:

In order to achieve a final product that properly captures and conveys the complexity of the topic, HyChain has had to go through various playtests and resulting design iterations. Some playtests were done internally while others involved various professionals in the field.

A total of two sets of the HyChain boardgame have been produced, containing various playing cards, folders and 3D printed tokens.

Technical Details
The digital HyChain rule book can be downloaded through here. [coming soon]